Friday, December 14, 2012

Culinary Tourism in Bandung West Java

Bandung is not only famous for it's Mojang-Jajaka nya house was stale, but more than the city of Bandung are many culinary attractions, with a variety of foods and different dish. therefore, some residents outside the city of Bandung tuk Day week end is always busy doing a culinary adventure, because so many more they know where the good food from the urang bandung itself.

Some samples of traditional foods are often in a hurry bandung:

- Banana molen Kartika Sari

- Penyeum / Colenak

- Chips Spicy Ma Icih

- Batagor

- Amanda Brownies

- Noodles Beat

- Etc. (there are many more euy, Myspace in addition: D)

As for the places is

- Jl. Surrounding Lake Winnipesaukee Trans Studio Bandung

- Jl. Cihampelas

- Jl. Dago

- Jl. Diponegoro about the Sate Bandung

- etc.

ok deh good-Hunting,

Thursday, December 13, 2012

10 Tricks To Refresh Your Brain

Saturated with the same activity every day can cause kebosananan and weakening the power of concentration. In addition, scientific research shows, adult brain can effectively focus and concentrate for 25 minutes, but after that the mind is no longer more focused.
Busy at work during the day tend to make your stress and mind become tangled. Especially for those who work as writers and engineers whose work regularly involves a lot of thought. In times of stress, you need to refresh your mind and re-calibrate all functions.

Therefore, follow these tricks to help refresh your mind:

  + Music: The music is soothing very beneficial for your mental resources. Clear your mind by simply sat lost in beautiful music. If you love to play music, it's very good, immediately remove your old piano or download the application on your phone and the music began to play.

+ Sport: Like the saying goes, one paddle two to three stone. Exercising on a regular basis in addition to refresh your mind can also nourish the body.

+ Laughter: Laughter is the best medicine to relieve the boredom. Laughter and humor releases endorphins that improve mood and feelings of happiness.

+ Mental Training: Your Brain and the fun were daunting. So when you feel tired of studying or working, try to complete a fun questionnaire to strengthen your brain.

+ Socialize: Humans are social creatures. Besides being a necessity, socializing can also keep our brain to keep it fresh. Try to relate to new people or to call an old friend. Look for discussions outside your situation.

Sleep + short: Nothing is more refreshing when compared with short sleep. Soon after a short sleep, you will feel better and more able to complete the work than when you're tired.

+ Smell something that smells bad: Turn your favorite scented candle or breathe the smell of a cup of hot coffee. Inhalation of something that smells bad to refresh your mind.

+ Massage: Massage is the perfect way to relieve tension and reduce stress. You can try different types of massage on different days to re-invigorate themselves.

+ Bath: Bathe heard warm water because it can make your muscles and your mind to relax.

+ Berangan thinking: For a moment, let your imagination wander as when childhood. It can also refresh your mind so that you can re-focus on the task in the following days.

From now on, refresh the mind and energy, and tame your stress with rest and engage in fun activities as above. Your brain is like something exciting.