Friday, December 14, 2012

Culinary Tourism in Bandung West Java

Bandung is not only famous for it's Mojang-Jajaka nya house was stale, but more than the city of Bandung are many culinary attractions, with a variety of foods and different dish. therefore, some residents outside the city of Bandung tuk Day week end is always busy doing a culinary adventure, because so many more they know where the good food from the urang bandung itself.

Some samples of traditional foods are often in a hurry bandung:

- Banana molen Kartika Sari

- Penyeum / Colenak

- Chips Spicy Ma Icih

- Batagor

- Amanda Brownies

- Noodles Beat

- Etc. (there are many more euy, Myspace in addition: D)

As for the places is

- Jl. Surrounding Lake Winnipesaukee Trans Studio Bandung

- Jl. Cihampelas

- Jl. Dago

- Jl. Diponegoro about the Sate Bandung

- etc.

ok deh good-Hunting,

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